Featured Quotes

"The ICE Standard Personal Card color coding helps first responders quickly assess the severity of our medical history. Getting our employees home safely every day is Siemens' top priority, and privacy is key. So in the unfortunate event of an accident at home or work we can rely on our ICE Standard ER Personal Cards and ICE Standard ER 911 App which also shows the 3 color coded medical status for quick access to our critical medical information and allow first responders to contact our loved ones."
– Siemens

"As a cardiologist, I know that when treating emergencies time is of the essence. For the best care, it is crucial for emergency medical personnel to quickly determine a patient's medical conditions when treating them. The ICE Standard ER 911 App is a great way to get your most important information to those treating you, when you need it most."
–DB MD MS - Stanford Healthcare Medical L-VAD Program
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